The popular manga series by Japan's "master of suspense", Naoki Urasawa, is also a very popular anime series. Most people watched the show before ever hearing about the manga series.
Monster was on the SyFy channel (USA) for a while, and then it simply was nowhere to be found on TV. [Note: I only know about USA/Canadian TV scheduling, not any other countries. Sorry!]
Monster is an 18-volume manga series. The English translation was published by Viz Media. Originally the series was only supposed to be 15-volumes long - but luckily it went on for 3 'extra' volumes. :)
Personally, I wish it had gone on even longer than it had... :(
Monster centers on a Japanese doctor (Kenzo Tenma) working at a hospital in Dusseldorf, Germany. One night twins are brought in to the hospital - the boy has a gunshot wound to his head, and the girl is in severe shock. He goes against the chief director's orders and operates on a young boy with a gunshot wound to the head instead of the mayor. This boy is the 'monster' for which the series is named. After the successful operation Dr. Tenma performed on the boy, his credit at the hospital goes downhill - because "a hospital is run on politics" and he failed to obey direct orders. Suddenly the twins disappear, and the director is found dead (as well as two of the surgeons at the hospital). The BKA is called in to investigate and Dr. Tenma is the chief suspect in the murders... The series jumps ahead to nine(?) years into the future, which becomes the "main start" of the adventure. All is going well again for Dr. Tenma... Until...
Well, I won't get into any further details - you should go read (or watch) and see for yourself. I rather enjoyed the series (both the anime and the manga) myself, and highly recommend it! (: And rate it five stars! (:
*SPOILER!!!* ~
[Unless you don't mind getting spoiled, please do NOT read until you've finished at least the manga]
The reason I wish the series went on longer is because... The ending of volume 18: the last page shows Johan's empty hospital bed - he's vanished again! It just made me want MORE so badly! *pouts* Also, Tenma finds out Johan's REAL NAME - but we never get to know it...Sadly... The series was great, and I agree with the claim that Naoki Urasawa is the 'master of suspense' (perhaps not master, but he's a great writer indeed!) ♥
I hope you ENJOY Monster! (: